5 Awesome Apartment Links–New Year Special
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Last week was relatively slow in the blogging world but there was a couple of awesome articles that I thought you would love.
1. 8 Things That Really Stop Hangovers – BuzzFeed
With New Years Eve tomorrow, this article might be useful to help ease the pain on New Years Day.
My personal favourite is asparagus.. as I just love the stuff and any hangover beating power is just a bonus.
Check out the other 7 items : http://www.buzzfeed.com/annanorth/8-things-that-really-stop-hangovers
2. 7 Best Apartment Designs of 2012
It’s coming to the end of another year so this article might inspire you on where to take your apartment in 2013.
See all 7 here: http://www.digsdigs.com/7-best-apartment-designs-of-2012/
3. Pros and Cons of Living with A Roommate
I love living with someone else and wouldn’t have it any other way but this awesome article outlines the pros and cons. Maybe you might look at moving in or moving out in 2013?
Read the full article: http://reviews.roomster.com/2012/12/apartment-living-pros-and-cons-of.html
4. 10 Most Exciting Concepts of 2012 – That Never Got Made
This awesome article at Gizmodo, looks at all the gadget were promised last year… that never made it.
I’m still waiting for the awesome easy-clean folding whisk!
See all 10 here: http://gizmodo.com/5969844/the-10-most-exciting-concepts-of-2012where-are-you
5. Combination Booze Lock
If your planning celebrations tomorrow night and don’t want your housemate stealing all your booze then this gadget found by Lost at E Minor could be just the ticket.
See more: http://www.lostateminor.com/2012/12/22/guard-your-booze-with-a-combination-bottle-lock/
Enjoy a great New Years Celebration and I will see you in 2013!