With property prices on the rise in the UK once more, first time buyers and other homeowners are choosing not to invest in larger properties but instead make
One of the major downfalls people comment on when considering apartment living is the lack of storage space such as under stairs cupboards that you would normally expect
Open-plan living is no longer the preserve of trendy riverside loft apartments; the phenomenon has spread to the suburbs too. Walls have come crashing down as maximising space
If you thought that monochromatic rooms were boring, you’re completely wrong! Check out these next examples and you’ll see how it’s possible to create an interesting room with
The porch is, sometimes,one of the most neglected places in a house. We can’t really understand why, since it’s so simple and cheap, if you’re not willing to
Did you always dreamed of having a reading nook just for you? Where you could read and relax comfortably in the middle of fluffy pillows and good books…