Green Ways to keep Pests out of Your Home [Infographic]

We’ve all come across the issue at one point or another – how do we get keep pests out of our house. Next time, before you reach for your deadly insecticide or chemical-loaded products, maybe you should consider the greener options of getting the pests to go.

Our friends at Chadwicks have come up with a guide that provides some really useful tips to pest-proofing your house. Including some options that are not only green and eco-friendly, but also involve using easy-to-find products or household objects that we’re all bound to have in a cupboard somewhere.

For example, something easy like cotton buds soaked in a citrusy liquid will deter rodents whilst ants cannot stand vinegar – so a bit of vinegary water on an ant trail will be sure to disrupt their path.

Check out Chadwicks green guide below to find out how to reduce the risk of pest disturbance in the future:

Green Ways To Keep Pests Out Of Your Home

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