How to hide your household eyesores [Infographic]
There will always be a couple of things you want to change in your home, no matter how much effort do you put into decorating every room. These annoying household eyesores will catch your eye every time you enter the room. You know they are useful but you still hate looking at them. You want to find a way to hide it from the plain sight whether it is bulky appliances, messy looking cables or even your Internet router.
Is there anything more annoying than green and yellow lights flashing on the side of the TV while you’re watching a movie in the night? Is there any particular reason why they can’t make an Internet router that is pleasing to the eye? Unless you choose for an Internet-free life, it might be time to find a way to deal with your bulky router… Luckily, this is not that hard to do. You will only need need one hardback book you don’t want to read. Or, if you don’t want to say goodbye to any of your books, you can buy a cheap one that looks attractive. Just remove the pages from it and place the router inside the book cover.
For this and other practical tips on how to hide household eyesores check the helpful infographic below: